Leanne Jaggs What Xmas could have been... (copy) I think whenever the Jaggs whanau offers their place for a Xmas event, it rains...... so we were going to have our Xmas do on Sunday 3rd at Jaggs house, & Izzy even decorated the tree for everyone. Bu... Manukau Sunrise Dec. 2, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished
Stephen Chaney Sat Dec 2nd 6am to 10.30am Tina the musical was amazing and so many great memories.... Nov. 20, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished
Amy Parlane Krispy Kreme Bagels Bagels originated in _. the dough is boiled. The Krispy Kreme Bagels are... Nov. 20, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished
Rotary Oceania Pizza with a Purpose Start writing here...... Sep. 11, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished
Kisa Leota-Lu We got it! Start writing here...... Manukau Sunrise Aug. 4, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished
Edith Chaney MEMBERSHIP TASTER Start writing here...... Manukau Sunrise Aug. 4, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished
Edith Chaney Sylvia Pau’uvale – Otara Blue Light Youth Co-ordinator Start writing here...... Manukau Sunrise Jul. 17, 2023 Rotary Club of Manukau Sunrise unpublished